School Improvement Plan
What is a school improvement plan?
A school improvement plan is a roadmap of the changes a school undertakes to make to improve its level of student achievement. The plan shows what, how and when these changes will be made.
Why is a school improvement plan needed?
School improvement plans help principals, teachers, and school councils answer the following questions:
- What are our strengths as a school?
- What areas do we need to identify for improvement to reach all students and improve student achievement?
These plans encourage staff and parents to monitor student achievement levels. With current, reliable information about how well students are performing, schools are better able to respond to the needs of students, teachers, and parents.
How does the plan enhance learning?
The objective is to improve student achievement levels by enhancing the way curriculum is delivered, creating a positive learning environment, and increasing parental involvement in their children's learning at school and at home. The plan involves teachers, school councils, parents, and other community members working together to gather and analyze information about the school and its students, so that they can determine what needs to be improved in their school.
School Improvement Plan 2013-2014
School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) Areas of Focus
- Processs and practices are designed to deepen unerstanding of the curriculum and refine instruction to improve student lerning and achievement.
- A clear emphasis on high levels of achievement in literacy and numeracy is evident thrughout the school.
Targeted, Evidenced-Based Strategies:
- (What insttructional strategies am I going to use to promote student achievement/achieve our goal?)KWC (understand the problem/question) - What I KNOW, WHAT do I need to know, What special CONDITIONS/tricks apply
- Share and analyzehow questions are presented on the EQAO assessment inevery grade.
- Students analyze student work to build understanding.
- Establish a common understanding of language (key words e.g. "Explain, Compare").
Professional Learning (What knowledge & skills do we as educators need?)
- Greater understanding of KWC
- Effective use of technology
- Triangulation of evidence
- PRIME administration
Needs Assessment and Analysis of data collected: (student strengths and needs)
- EQAO indicates that while primary students are achieving close to or over the provincial standard in reading, writing and mathematics, our junior students have amarked weakness in mathematics and writing, Reading is a relative strength for our junior dividison.
- Champlain has a high population of students who are at risk and/or have special needs. Staff are ready to expand their knowledge of technology as a vehicle to help students communicate thinking more effectively.
- Using multiple sources of evidence to increase the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning is a next step.
Resources (Who or What can help?):
- (Human/Material, Print/Electronic, Financial (eg. CIL-M release)
- Use of SST (Tricia), Shelagh, SWST Anne and ICT coaches
- Release time to support one-on-one SIP meetings, to do PRIME assessments
- Ruth Beattie and Marian Small sessions
- Bridging the Gap PLC
- Common Assessment
- Release time for follow-up from SIP meetings
Monitoring Strategies
What has been the impact of our changed action? How will I know my instructional practice is having an impact on our goal?
Student conversations (evidence of learning) - teachers, educators, admin
- Focus of one-on-one SIP meetings with staff as well as staff meetings (every 6 weeks)
- Observations of students working to decompose questions (ongoing)
- Students will be able to apply and transfer knowledge into new contexts (orally and written) - teachers, educators, admin (ongoing)
- PRIME (goal is for twice in the year and beginning teachers to do at least once)
- Common assessments and daily student work
- District Review feedback
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